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Taking on change head-on: Manufacturing sector outlook
We dive into how manufacturing sector leaders are navigating the complexities of 2024, capitalising on shifts in the global business environment and harnessing emerging technologies...
Optimism and change: Financial sector outlook
Here we illustrate Financial Services’ position vis-à-vis the broader economy, seeking to unveil the sector’s priorities for 2024 and explore how business leaders are addressing...
IFRS17 and its impact on the Insurance sector
IFRS17, also known as the International Financial Reporting Standard 17, is a set of accounting standards developed by the IASB. They represent a significant overhaul...
AI and auditing: A conversation with Bettina Cassegrain and Dr Daniel Susskind
Amidst the dynamic atmosphere of the HLB Global Summit in Japan, Dr. Daniel Susskind (prominent economist and author) spoke with HLB’s Bettina Cassegrain on the implications,...